Рене флеминг / renee fleming

Welcome to renee-fleming.com

A personal note from Renйe:

«This website was set up to provide you with information regarding my schedule and to give you a means of contacting me. I supported its creation because you and Prashant Sehgal, the Webmaster, have all been so wonderfully generous, not realizing the great benefit it would be to me. Periodically, when I have a little time, I am able to read your comments and notes. I have honestly been very touched by the outpouring of support from so many of you who have been kind enough to write in.»

«Recently I finished a tour of Asia and Australia, and hearing from a whole new corner of the world has been a terrific boost to me. My schedule is often grueling, with all the travel, the press interviews, the rehearsals and performances. Your comments and enthusiasm for my work, make it all worth while. You give me the motivation I need to look forward to each and every tour.»

«I am always particularly happy to hear from young singers. I wish I could help each and every one of you on your road to your successes. I also enjoy hearing from young composers, as I passionately believe in the creative force that motivates a composer, although unfortunately my schedule is so impossibly concentrated that I rarely have the opportunity to look at new music, and even more rarely, a chance to add it to my repertoire.»

«Thank you for your interest in this site and in my work. I hope the site gives you the information you sought and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your overwhelmingly kind support.»

— Renйe Fleming

The Power of Music

How can someone with Alzheimer’s be unable to recognize their own spouse, but perfectly recall songs from decades before? Why can some patients with Parkinson’s disease, unable to rise from a chair or walk through a doorway, accomplish these tasks, or even dance, to the sound of a musical beat?

Renée is passionate about the central importance of music and the arts in our society. Most of us have, at times, felt moved or comforted by music, but scientists are now discovering that music can teach us a lot about the brain itself. Music engages many neural regions at once, and evidence suggests that it can shape and even alter our brains.

In addition to using music to better understand the complex functioning of the brain, researchers have found creative arts therapy to be effective tools in addressing the effects of an ever-widening array of conditions. Especially compelling is the fact that music, dance, and art therapies are cost-effective, non-pharmaceutical, and non-invasive. Many can be administered in group settings, offering benefits for emotional well-being, and through tele-health, increasing accessibility. With an aging population, the potential implications of this work are immense. And the impact of arts on the developing brains of children is another burgeoning field of study, with effects reaching beyond test results and scholastic aptitude to creativity and success throughout life.

New initiatives are launching at a rapid pace, with the backing of the National Institutes of Health (the largest public funder of biomedical research in the world) as well as major hospitals, universities, and interdisciplinary institutions.

Therapeutic & Research Applications of Music            • Memory disorders (e.g. Alzheimer’s, dementia) and creative aging            • Movement disorders (e.g. Parkinson’s, MS, stroke)            • Communication disorders (e.g. autism, TBI, stroke)            • Mental health and behavior (e.g. PTSD, depression, ADHD)            • Childhood development            • Chronic pain            • Cardiac and pulmonary health

Карьера и творчество

В 1986 году Флеминг дебютировала на сцене с партией Констанцы из «Похищения в серале» Моцарта. А через два года ее пригласили в Ковент Гарден спеть в опере с элементами балета — «Нью-Йорк Сити». В 1991 году Рене обрела почетное звание солистки нью-йоркского Метрополитен Опера.

Хуан Диего Флорес, Дейнс Грейвс, Пласидо Доминго и Рене Флеминг на 2-м ежегодном концерте Placido Domingo & Friends Concert & Gala в Лос-Анджелесе, 13 мая 2003 г.

В дальнейшем ее потрясающее лирическое сопрано звучало на лучших сценах мира, неизменно собирая аншлаги. В 1992 году певице рукоплескал Женевский оперный театр, а в 1997 — Париж за триумфально исполненную партию Манон Леско в опере Жюля Массне в Опере Бастий.

Рене Флеминг во время своего сольного концерта в Пекине, 7 апреля 2007 г.

Мировая слава пришла к Рене Флеминг в 1996 году после выпуска двойного диска «Так поступают все» по произведениям Моцарта. Оперная певица охотно принимает предложения выступить на музыкальных фестивалях. Она приняла участие в: «Дворцах Петербурга», «Люцерне» в Швейцарии, испанском международном фестивале «Сантандер», «Моцарт-фестивале» в американском Линкольновском центре.

Выступает вместе с камерным оркестром Orpheus в Нью-Йорке, 6 апреля 2012 г.

Оперная дива записала около пятидесяти дисков, включая и джазовые: «Каприччио», «Иродиада», «Так поступают все», «Травиата», «Манон», «Таис», «Армида», «Русалка», «Евгений Онегин». Три из них удостоены «Грэмми».

Рене Флеминг и Кристин Барански на шоу Vera Wang Fall 2013 в рамках Недели моды Mercedes-Benz в Нью-Йорке, 12 февраля 2013 г.

Флеминг является обладателем множества наград и премий. Среди них: звания кавалера Ордена французского Почетного легиона и командора Ордена литературы и искусств Франции, премия имени Ричарда Такера, приз Джорджа Лондона, премии «Эдиссон», «Граммофон» и «Гремми».Рене — лауреат Международного конкурса вокала в Бельгии и премии музыки Шведского королевства. США наградили знаменитую соотечественницу медалью «За национальные достижения в области искусств».

Тимоти Джессел, Рене Флеминг, Бенджамин Мильпье и Натали Портман на частном приеме в честь назначения Бенджамина Мильпье директором балета Парижской оперы в Нью-Йорке, 9 сентября 2013 г. Исполняет гимн во время Суперкубка XLVIII на стадионе MetLife в Ист-Резерфорде, 2 февраля 2014 г.

Партии Татьяны Лариной из произведения «Евгений Онегин», в «Травиате», «Дафне», «Каприччио», «Русалке», «Дон Жуане» в талантливом исполнении Флеминг стали классикой оперного искусства.

Джек Николсон и Рене Флеминг за кулисами оперы Лос-Анджелеса, 21 мая 2014 г.

Карьера и творчество

В 1986 году Флеминг дебютировала в театре в партии Констанцы из оперы «Изнасилование» Моцарта в «Сералье». А через два года ее пригласили в Ковент-Гарден, чтобы спеть в опере с элементами балета — «Нью-Йорк Сити». В 1991 году Рене получила почетное звание солистки нью-йоркской Метрополитен-оперы.

Хуан Диего Флорес, датчане Грейвс, Пласидо Доминго и Рене Флеминг на 2-м концерте и гала-концерте Пласидо Доминго и его друзей в Лос-Анджелесе, 13 мая 2003 г

В дальнейшем его необыкновенное лирическое сопрано играло на лучших сценах мира, неизменно продавая себя. В 1992 году певице аплодировали Женевский оперный театр, а в 1997 году — Париж, за триумфальную роль Манон Леско в опере Жюля Массне в Опере Бастилии.

Рене Флеминг во время личного концерта в Пекине, 7 апреля 2007 г

Мировую известность Рене Флеминг приобрела в 1996 году после выпуска двойного диска «Everybody Does It» по произведениям Моцарта. Оперный певец с радостью принимает предложения выступить на музыкальных фестивалях. Принимал участие в: «Дворцах Санкт-Петербурга», «Люцерне» в Швейцарии, испанском международном фестивале «Сантандер», «Фестивале Моцарта» в Американском Линкольн-центре.

Выступает с камерным оркестром Orpheus в Нью-Йорке, 6 апреля 2012 года.

Оперная дива записала около пятидесяти пластинок, в том числе джазовых: «Каприччио», «Иродиады», «Они все это делают», «Травиата», «Манон», «Таис», «Армида», «Русалка», «Евгений». «. Онегин ». Трое из них удостоены премии« Грэмми».

Рене Флеминг и Кристин Барански на показе Vera Wang Fall 2013 во время Недели моды Mercedes-Benz в Нью-Йорке 12 февраля 2013 года.

Флеминг завоевал множество наград и наград. Среди них: звания кавалера ордена Французского Почетного легиона и кавалера ордена литературы и искусства Франции, премии Ричарда Такера, премии Джорджа Лондона, премии Эдиссона, Граммофона и Грэмми».Рене — лауреат Международного конкурса вокалистов в Бельгии и музыкальной премии Шведского королевства. США наградили известного соотечественника Медалью за национальные достижения в области искусства».

Сыграйте гимн во время Суперкубка XLVIII на стадионе MetLife в Ист-Резерфорде, 2 февраля 2014 года.

Роли Татьяны Лариной в «Евгении Онегине», «Травиате», «Дафне», «Каприччио», «Русалке», «Дон Жуане» в исполнении Флеминга стали классикой оперного искусства.

Джек Николсон и Рене Флеминг за кулисами оперы Лос-Анджелеса, 21 мая 2014 г

Renée Fleming’s “Music and the Mind”

Inspired by the Sound Health initiative, Renée has created a presentation called Music and the Mind. Designed for a general audience, Music and the Mind explores the power of music as it relates to health and the brain. Topics include childhood development, cognitive neuroscience, evolution, music therapy and the impact on healthcare, the impact of music education, music and social cohesion, and the future of music in medicine.

Renée invites experts around the country to present their research and discuss their experience as part of her presentations. She also investigates the evolutionary role music may have played in creating community, as well as case studies and individual stories of how music has changed lives. In each location, she collaborates with leading local neuroscientists, researchers, physicians, music therapists, educators, and universities. Renée’s goal is to bring this information to her audience and amplify the amazing work happening at the intersection of music, health, and neuroscience. Since September 2017, Renée has presented Music and the Mind in over 40 cities across North America, Europe, and Asia.

Major “Music and the Mind” Lecture and Discussion Events:

Renйe wins her 2nd «Best Classical Vocal Performance» Grammy® Award

Renйe has just won the Best Classical Vocal Performance Grammy Award in the Classical Field, for her beautiful recording Bel Canto. Other nominees in this category included mezzo-soprano Anne Sofie von Otter (for Chaminade: Mйlodies — Mots D’Amour), soprano Christine Schдfer (for Boulez: Pli Selon Pli), mezzo-soprano Vivica Genaux (for Arias For Farinelli) and soprano Susan Narucki (for Carter: Tempo E Tempi).

Furthermore, the Bel Canto album was itself nominated for the Best Classical Album Grammy Award in the Classical Field — the album also features the Orchestra of St. Luke’s conducted by Patrick Summers. This honor was bestowed upon the album «Vaughan Williams: A Sea Symphony» (Robert Spano conducting the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra, Norman Mackenzie directing the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chorus, soprano Christine Goerke & baritone Brett Polegato). Other albums nominated in this category were «Beethoven: String Quartets» (The Takбcs Quartet), «Mahler: Symphony No. 6» (Michael Tilson Thomas conducting the San Francisco Symphony) and «Pдrt: Orient & Occident» (Tхnu Kaljuste conducting the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra & Chorus).

Speaking of Grammy Awards, in 1999 Renйe was awarded her first Grammy in the Best Classical Vocal Performance category for her recording The Beautiful Voice (a collection of favorite songs and arias). Her other recordings have received several Grammy nominations as well: Signatures (opera scenes) with Sir Georg Solti conducting the London Symphony Orchestra, Mozart’s Don Giovanni also with Sir Georg Solti conducting the London Symphony Orchestra, and Visions of Love (her 1996 collection of Mozart arias) with the Orchestra of St. Luke’s conducted by Sir Charles Mackerras.

GRAMMY is a Registered Trademark of The Recording AcademyWe, renee-fleming.com, have been granted permission for restricted use of the 45th Annual GRAMMY Awards telecast logo by the Recording Academy. We are not, however, an official sponsor of the 45th Annual GRAMMY Awards or any activities surrounding the event, nor are we affiliated with the Recording Academy or any of the activities surrounding the organization or its affiliates.

Renée Fleming’s “Healing Breath”

Seeing people around the world experiencing reduced breath capacity in the wake of COVID, Renée launched Healing Breath, a project in partnership with Google Arts and Culture and the Kennedy Center – inviting great vocalists such as Christine Baranski, Kristin Chenoweth, Angelique Kidjo, Audra McDonald, Vanessa Williams, and more to share breathing exercises with the public. The project also includes informative material from music therapists and the Louis Armstrong Center for Music & Medicine at Mount Sinai. Additional data and public resources for the use of Healing Breath for wider pulmonary health are currently in development.

Healing Breath Resources:

  • Kennedy Center
  • Google Arts and Culture
  • YouTube Playlist

The Future of Music in Health

Music has a profound impact and the ability to shape 86 billion neurons in the brain for cognitive development, healing, and therapy. Science research has clearly shown that music therapy interventions can improve quality of life across nearly all neurological disorders. And there is tremendous public-interest in applying music to creative aging, childhood development, and community wellness.

But scientists want to know more.

So, Dr. Francis Collins, director of the NIH, has charged Renée Fleming with establishing a fund for research, in collaboration with the Renée Fleming Foundation and the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH). This partnership, along with the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), is spearheading the development of a toolkit for standardizing music & health clinical research for brain disorders of aging.

This fund will seek to raise the profile of music & health and embark in a program that will follow the track of NIH funding, with projects chosen by NIH scientists. Firsthand acquaintance with this work is only going to grow, but additional funds for research are crucial to boost mainstream public awareness and recognition by insurers of the positive impact of music therapy.

Additional projects by the Renée Fleming Foundation include the development of an educational neuroscience curricular program with the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), and a grant to Opera on Tap to begin research into the effects of music on empathy and social-emotional learning in children.

Please join the Renée Fleming Foundation in helping to build the future of music and health research.

Additional Resources

  • Kennedy Center/NIH/NEA – Sound Health Initiative:
    • National Institutes of Health – Music and Health Research
    • Kennedy Center: Sound Health: Music and the Mind
    • National Endowment for the Arts/UCSF: Sound Health Network
  • Aspen Institute/Johns Hopkins: NeuroArts Blueprint
  • National Endowment for the Arts: NEA Research Awards
  • American Music Therapy Association: https://www.musictherapy.org/
  • National Organization for the Arts in Health: https://thenoah.net/
  • Music and Mind LIVE, with Renée Fleming
  • Renée Fleming’s Healing Breath initiative:
    • Kennedy Center
    • Google Arts and Culture
    • YouTube Playlist


  • JAMA (co-authored by Renée Fleming and Dr. Francis Collins of the NIH):NIH-Kennedy Center Initiative to Explore Music and the Mind
  • Neuron (co-authored by Renée Fleming, with 14 top researchers and arts leaders):NIH/Kennedy Center Workshop on Music and the Brain: Finding Harmony
  • Journal of Cardiac Failure (with Sheri Robb, PhD, MT-BC): Can Music Touch the Heart?

Press and Media:

  • PBS Newshour highlights the emerging work in the Arts & Health, featuring Renée Fleming, Mickey Hart, & Zakir Hussain.
  • ABC7 Washington highlights Renée’s Healing Breath initiative.
  • NIH: Press release – Awarding of $20 million in funding awarded for music and neuroscience research
  • NEA Sound Health Network: Press release on launch event, hosted by Renée Fleming
  • Kennedy Center: Renée Fleming’s Brain Scan
  • NeuroArts Blueprint (Aspen Institute/Johns Hopkins): Press Release
  • Research!America: Renée Fleming to receive Isadore Rosenfeld Award for Impact on Public Opinion
  • Renée Fleming Foundation Projects:
    • NIH Music and Health Toolkit: Press Release; NIH Record article; Convenings #, , and 
    • Research grant to Opera on Tap: Press Release; Broadway World article
  • Yale News: Musicians and scientists talk ‘Music and the Mind’ at Yale Center Beijing
  • Stanford Medicine: Music and the Mind: A conversation with Renée Fleming
  • New York Times: Profile on Renée Fleming, by Maureen Dowd
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