Madame favart explained

Madame favart (offenbach, jacques)

Список музыкальных номеров

Акт 1

  • Увертюра
  • Трио и куплеты (Сюзанна, Гектор, Фавар)
  • Куплеты, «Dans une cave unscure» (Фаварт)
  • Хор и сцена (Mme Favart)
  • Куплеты (мадам Фаварт)
  • Куплеты, «Ma plain aux vignes m’envoyit» (Mme Favart)
  • Трио побегов (Фаварт, Гектор, Сюзанна)
  • Финал (Куплеты и стретта)

Акт 2

  • Антракт
  • Романс «Suzanne est aujourd’hui ma femme» (Гектор)
  • Chanson de l’échaudé, «Quand du four on le retire» (Фавар)
  • Куплеты (Понцабле)
  • Квартет (Сюзанна, Гектор, Мадам Фаварт, Фаварт)
  • Менуэт и рондо, «Je pas sur mon enfance» (мадам Фаварт)
  • Финал

Акт 3

  • Антракт
  • Романс «Quand il cherche dans sa cervelle» (Фаварт)
  • Хор и Тирольенна (Мадам Фаварт, Гектор)
  • Куплеты (Сюзанна, Гектор)
  • Воздух (мадам Фаварт)
  • Хор и дуэт (Mme Favart, Favart)


Premiere poster

Role Voice type Premiere cast, December 28, 1878,(Conductor: Jacques Offenbach)
Madame Favart, an actress soprano Juliette Simon-Girard
Charles-Simon Favart, her husband, a playwright baritone Lepers
Hector de Boispréau tenor Simon-Max
Major Cotignac bass François-Louis Luco
Suzanne, his daughter soprano Marie Gélabert
Marquis de Pontsablé tenor Édouard Maugé
Biscotin, an innkeeper bass Jean-Baptiste Octave
Sergent Larose tenor Jules Speck
Travellers, Guests, Officers and Soldiers, Fifes and Cantinières, Cooks, Inn waiters, the cast of ‘La Chercheuse d’esprit’

История выступлений

После поражения во франко-прусской войне (1870 г.), положившей конец правлению Наполеона II , популярность Оффенбаха в Париже снизилась, и он совершил поездку по Великобритании и США. Он продолжал ставить новые оперетты в Париже, но пройдет большая часть десятилетия, прежде чем он получит еще один хит.

«Мадам Фавар» впервые была поставлена ​​в Театре фоли-драматических произведений в Париже 28 декабря 1878 года с Жюльетт Симон-Жирар в главной роли и Симоном-Максом в роли Гектора де Буспре; сыграно 208 спектаклей. Новая постановка была смонтирована в Театре де Буфф-Париж 4 марта 1884 года, затем в Театре де Меню-Плезир в 1888 году с Анной Жюдик в главной роли. Другие постановки в Париже включают 1911 год в Театре Аполлона и в том же театре в 1913 году.

Он был установлен в версии Юлиуса Хоппа в Театре ан дер Вин с Мари Гейстингер 7 февраля 1879 года, а затем в том же году в Лейпциге и Берлине.

Работа была очень популярна в 19 веке не только во Франции. Он был возрожден как совместная постановка Парижской Комической Оперы, Оперы де Лимож и Театра Кан в постановке Анны Кесслер в июне 2019 года в Зале Фавар в Париже, с Марион Лебег в главной роли и Анн- Кэтрин Жилле в роли Сюзанны; Лоран Кампеллон проводил.

Performance history

After defeat in the Franco-Prussian War (1870) ended Napoleon II’s reign, Offenbach’s popularity declined in Paris, and he toured Britain and the United States. He continued producing new operettas in Paris, but most of the decade would pass before he enjoyed another hit.

Madame Favart was first staged at the Théâtre des Folies-Dramatiques in Paris on 28 December 1878, starring Juliette Simon-Girard in the title role and Simon-Max as Hector de Boispréau; it played for about 200 performances. A new production was mounted at the Théâtre des Bouffes-Parisiens on 4 March 1884, then at the Théâtre des Menus-Plaisirs in 1888 with Anna Judic in the title role. Other productions in Paris include 1911 at the Théâtre Apollo and at the same theatre in 1913.

It was mounted in a version by Julius Hopp at the Theater an der Wien with Marie Geistinger on 7 February 1879, and later the same year in Leipzig and Berlin.

The work was very popular in the 19th century, not only in France.

List of musical numbers

Act 1

  • Overture
  • Trio and couplets (Suzanne, Hector, Favart)
  • Couplets, «Dans une cave obscure» (Favart)
  • Chorus and scena (Mme Favart)
  • Couplets (Mme Favart)
  • Couplets, «Ma mere aux vignes m’envoyit» (Mme Favart)
  • Escape trio (Favart, Hector, Suzanne)
  • Finale (Couplets and stretta)

Act 2

  • Entracte
  • Romance, «Suzanne est aujourd’hui ma femme» (Hector)
  • Chanson de l’échaudé, «Quand du four on le retire» (Favart)
  • Couplets (Pontsablé)
  • Quartet (Suzanne, Hector, Mme Favart, Favart)
  • Minuet and rondo, «Je passe sur mon enfance» (Mme Favart)
  • Finale

Act 3

  • Entracte
  • Romance, «Quand il cherche dans sa cervelle» (Favart)
  • Chorus and Tyrolienne (Mme Favart, Hector)
  • Couplets (Suzanne, Hector)
  • Air (Mme Favart)
  • Chorus and duet (Mme Favart, Favart)

General Information

Work Title Madame Favart
Alternative. Title Opéra comique en trois actes
Name Translations ファヴァール夫人
Name Aliases マダム・ファヴァール
Composer Offenbach, Jacques
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. IJO 51
Movements/SectionsMov’ts/Sec’s 3 acts
First Performance. 1878/12/28
Paris: Folies-Dramatiques
First Publication. 1878
Copyright Information Publication noted in the Bibliographie de la France :68e année, 2e série, Nº 2, 11 Janvier 1879, p.31, reg.184.
Librettist Alfred Duru (1829-1889)Henri Chivot (1830-1907)
Language French
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation vocal soloists, mixed chorus, orchestra
Related Works Pieces based on Madame Favart
External Links Wikipedia article


  1. ^ Гэнцль, К.; Баранина, Андрей. «Мадам Фавар«, в Книга музыкального театра Генцля. Schirmer Books, Нью-Йорк, 1989, стр. 369.
  2. Джонатан Кросс. Репортаж из Кана. Опера, Март 2020 г., Том 71, № 3, стр. 333-334.
  3. Баранина, Андрей. Покорение Лондона Оффенбахом. О доме, Том 5, Номер 12, Лето 1980 г., стр. 35-39. Статья была первоначально опубликована Комитетом столетия Оффенбаха 1980 г., Лондон.
  • Кракауэр, Зигфрид. Жак Оффенбах и Париж его времени, (перевод Гвенда Дэвид и Эрик Мосбахер ). Нью-Йорк: Zone Books, 2002
  • Баранина, Андрей «Мадам Фавар» в Словарь оперы New Grove, изд. Стэнли Сэди, Лондон, 1992 ISBN  0-333-73432-7


Место: Франция
Время: 18 век

Это фантастический сюжет, построенный вокруг реальной знаменитой французской актрисы Мари Жюстин Бенуа Дюронсере (1727–1775), ее мужа-менеджера-драматурга Шарля-Симона Фавара (1710–1792) и восхищающегося актрисой генерала Мориса де Саксе (1696–1696). 1750), который также появляется в правдоподобной опере Адриана Лекуврёр .

В трактир в Аррасе подъезжает автобус, и пассажиры расходятся по своим комнатам. Среди них майор Котиньяк и его дочь Сюзанна, за которыми верхом на лошади преследовал Гектор де Буапре, желающий жениться на Сюзанне. Котиньяк пытается получить должность для родственника, которому майор протянет руку своей дочери после подтверждения встречи. Обнаружив, что Сюзанна и Гектор тайно влюблены, он соглашается, что, если Гектор сможет получить должность лейтенанта полиции, он может жениться на ней.

Хозяин гостиницы Бискотен прячется в своем подвале писатель Фавар, который бежал, спасаясь от маршала де Сакс, потому что его жена (мадам Фавар из этого титула) отказалась от авансов маршала, за что дворянин поместил ее в монастырь. Но Жюстин Фаварт теперь прибывает в гостиницу, замаскированная под уличную певицу, сбежав от монахинь. Она ищет своего мужа; но удивлен, обнаружив старого друга детства Гектора. Теперь солдаты входят, чтобы обыскать таверну в поисках Фаварта, но ей удается развеселить их и отправляет их по ложному запаху. Гектор не может получить назначение в полицию, но Фаварт, теперь переодетый и готовый бежать со своей женой, чтобы сбежать с Сюзанной. Входит Котиньяк, разъяренный тем, что его заставил ждать губернатор, с которым флиртовала мадам Фавар, притворившаяся женой Гектора, таким образом выиграв положение для Гектора. Гектор, Сюзанна и Фаварты (переодетые) уходят в Дуэ.

Во втором акте Гектор и Сюзанна поженились, и он начал работать в Дуэ , где Фаварты играли его слуг. Понцабле прибывает без предупреждения и приглашает себя остаться с новым лейтенантом полиции и его женой; поэтому мадам Фавар вынуждена снова выдавать себя за жену Гектора, в то время как ее муж прерывает наступление губернатора в стратегические моменты. Мадам Фавар делает вид, что падает в обморок, когда губернатор говорит ей, что она знает, где скрывается Фавар. На приеме для Гектора в качестве нового лейтенанта полиции прибывает губернатор с г-жой. Фавар в еще одном обличье, на этот раз графиня де Монгриффон, которая убеждает Понцабле, что настоящая мадам Фавар находится на пути в Сен-Омер. Понцабле бросается в погоню только для того, чтобы вернуться в компании с настоящей графиней де Монгриффон, которая сказала ему, что мадам Фавар замаскирована под служанку, которая теперь является переодетой Сюзанной. Он арестовывает ее, полагая, что она мадам Фавар, и отправляет ее в лагерь маршала де Сакс в Фонтенуа.

Третий акт происходит в лагере в Фонтенуа, где Котиньяк объявляет парижскую звезду мадам. Фавар исполнит спектакль своего мужа в «Чершёз д’еспри ». Сюзанна опасается, что если ей придется выйти на сцену, станет очевидно, что она не актриса. Теперь Гектор и Жюстин прибывают в лагерь под видом пары тирольцев; она была поражена, увидев, что она должна появиться перед лагерем вместе с королем. Она идет в его палатку, чтобы попытаться объяснить свою ситуацию, но монарх считает, что она просто притворяется. Так же, как Понцабле собирается отомстить Сюзанне и Гектору, мадам Фавар достает записку из букета, подаренного королем, с объявлением об отставке губернатора. Гектор и Сюзанна теперь свободны, а Фавар назначается менеджером Комической оперы .

General Information

Work Title Madame Favart
Alternative. Title Opéra comique en trois actes
Name Translations ファヴァール夫人
Name Aliases マダム・ファヴァール
Composer Offenbach, Jacques
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. IJO 51
Movements/SectionsMov’ts/Sec’s 3 acts
First Performance. 1878/12/28
Paris: Folies-Dramatiques
First Publication. 1878
Copyright Information Publication noted in the Bibliographie de la France :68e année, 2e série, Nº 2, 11 Janvier 1879, p.31, reg.184.
Librettist Alfred Duru (1829-1889)Henri Chivot (1830-1907)
Language French
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation vocal soloists, mixed chorus, orchestra
Related Works Pieces based on Madame Favart
External Links Wikipedia article


Place: France
Time: 18th century

It is a fantasy plot built around the real-life celebrated French actress Marie Justine Benoîte Duronceray (1727–1775), her playwright-manager husband Charles-Simon Favart (1710–1792) and the actress-admiring general Maurice de Saxe (1696–1750), who also appears in the verismo opera Adriana Lecouvreur.

At an inn in Arras a coach arrives and the passengers go to their rooms. Among them is Major Cotignac and his daughter Suzanne, who have been followed on horseback by Hector de Boispréault, who wants to marry Suzanne. Cotignac is trying to secure a post for a relative to whom the major will offer his daughter’s hand once the appointment is confirmed. On discovering that Suzanne and Hector are secretly in love, he agrees that if Hector can obtain the position of police lieutenant, he may marry her.

The innkeeper Biscotin is hiding in his cellar the writer Favart, who has fled to escape the Maréchal de Saxe because his wife (the Madame Favart of the title) has refused the Maréchal’s advances, for which the noble has had her put in a convent. But Justine Favart now arrives at the inn, disguised as a street singer, having escaped the nuns. She is searching for her husband; but is amazed to find an old childhood mate Hector. Soldiers now enter to search the inn for Favart, but she manages to get them merry and sends them off on a false scent. Hector is unable to obtain the police appointment, but Favart, now in disguise and ready to flee with his wife, to elope with Suzanne. Cotignac enters, furious at having been made to wait by the Governor, who had been flirted with by Madame Favart pretending to be Hector’s wife, thus winning the position for Hector. Hector, Suzanne and the Favarts (in disguise) go off to Douai.

By act 2, Hector and Suzanne are wed, and he has begun work in Douai, with the Favarts playing his servants. Pontsablé arrives unannounced and invites himself to stay with the new police lieutenant and his wife; so Madame Favart is obliged to again impersonate Hector’s wife while her husband interrupts the Governor’s advances at strategic moments. Madame Favart pretends to faint when the Governor tells her that her knows where Favart is in hiding. At a reception for Hector as the new police lieutenant, the Governor arrives, with Mme. Favart in yet another disguise, this time the Comtesse de Montgriffon, who persuades Pontsablé that the real Madame Favart is on the road to Saint-Omer. Pontsablé dashes off in pursuit, only to return in company with the real Comtesse de Montgriffon who has told him that Madame Favart is disguised as a servant-girl, who is now Suzanne in disguise. He arrests her, believing her to be Madame Favart and sends her to the Camp of Maréchal de Saxe in Fontenoy.

The third act takes place in the camp at Fontenoy where Cotignac announces that Parisian star Mme. Favart will perform in La Chercheuse d’esprit by her husband. Suzanne is anxious that if she has to go on stage it will be obvious that she is not the actress. Now Hector and Justine arrive at the camp disguised as a pair of Tyroleans ; she is amazed to see that she is billed to appear before the camp, including the King. She goes to his tent to try to explain her situation, but the monarch believes that she is just acting. Just as Pontsablé is about to wreak vengeance on Suzanne and Hector, Madame Favart pulls a note from a bouquet given by the King announcing the resignation of the Governor. Hector and Suzanne are now free to go and Favart is appointed as the manager of the Opéra-Comique.

Navigation etc.

Operas and Operettas by Jacques Offenbach
  • Pépito (1853)
  • Une nuit blanche (1855)
  • Les deux aveugles (1855)
  • Le rêve d’une nuit d’été (1855)
  • Oyayaye (1855)
  • Le violoneux (1855)
  • Ba-ta-clan (1856)
  • Tromb-al-ca-zar (1856)
  • La rose de Saint-Flour (1856)
  • Le 66 (1856)
  • Le financier et le savetier (1856)
  • La bonne d’enfant (1856)
  • Les trois baisers du diable (1857)
  • Croquefer (1857)
  • Dragonette (1857)
  • Vent du soir (1857)
  • Une demoiselle en loterie (1857)
  • Le mariage aux lanternes (1857)
  • Les deux pêcheurs (1857)
  • Mesdames de la Halle (1858)
  • La chatte métamorphosée en femme (1858)
  • Orphée aux enfers (1858/1874)
  • Un mari à la porte (1859)
  • Les vivandières des Zouaves (1859)
  • Geneviève de Brabant (1859/1867/1875)
  • Le carnaval des revues (1860)
  • Daphnis et Chloé (1860)
  • Barkouf (1860)
  • La chanson de Fortunio (1861)
  • Le pont des soupirs (1861/1868)
  • Monsieur Choufleuri restera chez lui le (1861)
  • Apothicaire et perruquier (1861)
  • Le roman comique (1861)
  • Monsieur et Madame Denis (1862)
  • Le voyage de MM. Dunanan père et fils (1862)
  • Les bavards (1863)
  • Il signor Fagotto (1863)
  • Lischen et Fritzchen (1863)
  • Les fées du Rhin (1864)
  • Les géorgiennes (1864)
  • Le fifre enchanté (1864)
  • Jeanne qui pleure et Jean qui rit (1864)
  • La belle Hélène (1864)
  • Les bergers (1865)
  • Barbe-bleue (1866)
  • La vie parisienne (1866)
  • La Grande-Duchesse de Gérolstein (1867)
  • La permission de dix heures (1867/1873)
  • La leçon de chant électromagnétique (1867)
  • Robinson Crusoé (1867)
  • Le château à Toto (1868)
  • L’île de Tulipatan (1868)
  • La Périchole (1868/1874)
  • Vert-vert (1869)
  • La diva (1869)
  • La princesse de Trébizonde (1869)
  • Les brigands (1869)
  • La romance de la rose (1869)
  • Boule de neige (1871)
  • Le roi Carotte (1872)
  • Fantasio (1872)
  • Fleurette (1872)
  • Les braconniers (1873)
  • Pomme d’api (1873)
  • La jolie parfumeuse (1873)
  • Bagatelle (1874)
  • Madame l’archiduc (1874)
  • Whittington (1874)
  • La boulangère a des écus (1875)
  • Le voyage dans la lune (1875)
  • La créole (1875)
  • Pierrette et Jacquot (1876)
  • La boîte au lait (1876)
  • Le docteur Ox (1877)
  • La foire Saint-Laurent (1877)
  • Maître Péronilla (1878)
  • Madame Favart (1878)
  • La fille du tambour-major (1879)
  • Belle Lurette (1880)
  • Les contes d’Hoffmann (1881)
  • Moucheron (1881)

List of musical numbers

Act 1

  • Overture
  • Trio and couplets (Suzanne, Hector, Favart)
  • Couplets, «Dans une cave obscure» (Favart)
  • Chorus and scena (Mme Favart)
  • Couplets (Mme Favart)
  • Couplets, «Ma mere aux vignes m’envoyit» (Mme Favart)
  • Escape trio (Favart, Hector, Suzanne)
  • Finale (Couplets and stretta)

Act 2

  • Entracte
  • Romance, «Suzanne est aujourd’hui ma femme» (Hector)
  • Chanson de l’échaudé, «Quand du four on le retire» (Favart)
  • Couplets (Pontsablé)
  • Quartet (Suzanne, Hector, Mme Favart, Favart)
  • Minuet and rondo, «Je passe sur mon enfance» (Mme Favart)
  • Finale

Act 3

  • Entracte
  • Romance, «Quand il cherche dans sa cervelle» (Favart)
  • Chorus and Tyrolienne (Mme Favart, Hector)
  • Couplets (Suzanne, Hector)
  • Air (Mme Favart)
  • Chorus and duet (Mme Favart, Favart)


Place: France
Time: 18th century

It is a fantasy plot built around the real-life celebrated French actress Marie Justine Benoîte Duronceray (1727–1775), her playwright-manager husband Charles-Simon Favart (1710–1792) and the actress-admiring general Maurice de Saxe (1696–1750), who also appears in the verismo opera Adriana Lecouvreur.

At an inn in Arras a coach arrives and the passengers go to their rooms. Among them is Major Cotignac and his daughter Suzanne, who have been followed on horseback by Hector de Boispréault, who wants to marry Suzanne. Cotignac is trying to secure a post for a relative to whom the major will offer his daughter’s hand once the appointment is confirmed. On discovering that Suzanne and Hector are secretly in love, he agrees that if Hector can obtain the position of police lieutenant, he may marry her.

The innkeeper Biscotin is hiding in his cellar the writer Favart, who has fled to escape the Maréchal de Saxe because his wife (the Madame Favart of the title) has refused the Maréchal’s advances, for which the noble has had her put in a convent. But Justine Favart now arrives at the inn, disguised as a street singer, having escaped the nuns. She is searching for her husband; but is amazed to find an old childhood mate Hector. Soldiers now enter to search the inn for Favart, but she manages to get them merry and sends them off on a false scent. Hector is unable to obtain the police appointment, but Favart, now in disguise and ready to flee with his wife, to elope with Suzanne. Cotignac enters, furious at having been made to wait by the Governor, who had been flirted with by Madame Favart pretending to be Hector’s wife, thus winning the position for Hector. Hector, Suzanne and the Favarts (in disguise) go off to Douai.

By act 2, Hector and Suzanne are wed, and he has begun work in Douai, with the Favarts playing his servants. Pontsablé arrives unannounced and invites himself to stay with the new police lieutenant and his wife; so Madame Favart is obliged to again impersonate Hector’s wife while her husband interrupts the Governor’s advances at strategic moments. Madame Favart pretends to faint when the Governor tells her that her knows where Favart is in hiding. At a reception for Hector as the new police lieutenant, the Governor arrives, with Mme. Favart in yet another disguise, this time the Comtesse de Montgriffon, who persuades Pontsablé that the real Madame Favart is on the road to Saint-Omer. Pontsablé dashes off in pursuit, only to return in company with the real Comtesse de Montgriffon who has told him that Madame Favart is disguised as a servant-girl, who is now Suzanne in disguise. He arrests her, believing her to be Madame Favart and sends her to the Camp of Maréchal de Saxe in Fontenoy.

The third act takes place in the camp at Fontenoy where Cotignac announces that Parisian star Mme. Favart will perform in La Chercheuse d’esprit by her husband. Suzanne is anxious that if she has to go on stage it will be obvious that she is not the actress. Now Hector and Justine arrive at the camp disguised as a pair of Tyroleans ; she is amazed to see that she is billed to appear before the camp, including the King. She goes to his tent to try to explain her situation, but the monarch believes that she is just acting. Just as Pontsablé is about to wreak vengeance on Suzanne and Hector, Madame Favart pulls a note from a bouquet given by the King announcing the resignation of the Governor. Hector and Suzanne are now free to go and Favart is appointed the as manager of the Opéra-Comique.

Performance history

After defeat in the Franco-Prussian War (1870) ended Napoleon II’s reign, Offenbach’s popularity declined in Paris, and he toured Britain and the United States. He continued producing new operettas in Paris, but most of the decade would pass before he enjoyed another hit.

Madame Favart was first staged at the Théâtre des Folies-Dramatiques in Paris on 28 December 1878, starring Juliette Simon-Girard in the title role and Simon-Max as Hector de Boispréau; it played for about 200 performances. A new production was mounted at the Théâtre des Bouffes-Parisiens on 4 March 1884, then at the Théâtre des Menus-Plaisirs in 1888 with Anna Judic in the title role. Other productions in Paris include 1911 at the Théâtre Apollo and at the same theatre in 1913.

It was mounted in a version by Julius Hopp at the Theater an der Wien with Marie Geistinger on 7 February 1879, and later the same year in Leipzig and Berlin.

The work was very popular in the 19th century, not only in France.


Premiere poster

Role Voice type Premiere cast, December 28, 1878,(Conductor: Jacques Offenbach)
Madame Favart, an actress soprano Juliette Simon-Girard
Charles-Simon Favart, her husband, a playwright baritone Lepers
Hector de Boispréau tenor Simon-Max
Major Cotignac bass François-Louis Luco
Suzanne, his daughter soprano Marie Gélabert
Marquis de Pontsablé tenor Édouard Maugé
Biscotin, an innkeeper bass Jean-Baptiste Octave
Sergent Larose tenor Jules Speck
Travellers, Guests, Officers and Soldiers, Fifes and Cantinières, Cooks, Inn waiters, the cast of ‘La Chercheuse d’esprit’


Place: France

Time: 18th century

It is a fantasy plot built around the real-life celebrated French actress Marie Justine Benoîte Duronceray (1727–1775), her playwright-manager husband Charles-Simon Favart (1710–1792) and the actress-admiring general Maurice de Saxe (1696–1750), who also appears in the verismo opera Adriana Lecouvreur.

At an inn in Arras a coach arrives and the passengers go to their rooms. Among them is Major Cotignac and his daughter Suzanne, who have been followed on horseback by Hector de Boispréault, who wants to marry Suzanne. Cotignac is trying to secure a post for a relative to whom the major will offer his daughter’s hand once the appointment is confirmed. On discovering that Suzanne and Hector are secretly in love, he agrees that if Hector can obtain the position of police lieutenant, he may marry her.

The innkeeper Biscotin is hiding in his cellar the writer Favart, who has fled to escape the Maréchal de Saxe because his wife (the Madame Favart of the title) has refused the Maréchal’s advances, for which the noble has had her put in a convent. But Justine Favart now arrives at the inn, disguised as a street singer, having escaped the nuns. She is searching for her husband; but is amazed to find an old childhood mate Hector. Soldiers now enter to search the inn for Favart, but she manages to get them merry and sends them off on a false scent. Hector is unable to obtain the police appointment, but Favart, now in disguise and ready to flee with his wife, to elope with Suzanne. Cotignac enters, furious at having been made to wait by the Governor, who had been flirted with by Madame Favart pretending to be Hector’s wife, thus winning the position for Hector. Hector, Suzanne and the Favarts (in disguise) go off to Douai.

By act 2, Hector and Suzanne are wed, and he has begun work in Douai, with the Favarts playing his servants. Pontsablé arrives unannounced and invites himself to stay with the new police lieutenant and his wife; so Madame Favart is obliged to again impersonate Hector’s wife while her husband interrupts the Governor’s advances at strategic moments. Madame Favart pretends to faint when the Governor tells her that her knows where Favart is in hiding. At a reception for Hector as the new police lieutenant, the Governor arrives, with Mme. Favart in yet another disguise, this time the Comtesse de Montgriffon, who persuades Pontsablé that the real Madame Favart is on the road to Saint-Omer. Pontsablé dashes off in pursuit, only to return in company with the real Comtesse de Montgriffon who has told him that Madame Favart is disguised as a servant-girl, who is now Suzanne in disguise. He arrests her, believing her to be Madame Favart and sends her to the Camp of Maréchal de Saxe in Fontenoy.

The third act takes place in the camp at Fontenoy where Cotignac announces that Parisian star Mme. Favart will perform in La Chercheuse d’esprit by her husband. Suzanne is anxious that if she has to go on stage it will be obvious that she is not the actress. Now Hector and Justine arrive at the camp disguised as a pair of Tyroleans ; she is amazed to see that she is billed to appear before the camp, including the King. She goes to his tent to try to explain her situation, but the monarch believes that she is just acting. Just as Pontsablé is about to wreak vengeance on Suzanne and Hector, Madame Favart pulls a note from a bouquet given by the King announcing the resignation of the Governor. Hector and Suzanne are now free to go and Favart is appointed as the manager of the Opéra-Comique.

General Information

Work Title Madame Favart
Alternative. Title Opéra comique en trois actes
Name Translations ファヴァール夫人
Name Aliases マダム・ファヴァール
Composer Offenbach, Jacques
I-Catalogue NumberI-Cat. No. IJO 51
Movements/SectionsMov’ts/Sec’s 3 acts
First Performance. 1878/12/28
Paris: Folies-Dramatiques
First Publication. 1878
Copyright Information Publication noted in the Bibliographie de la France :68e année, 2e série, Nº 2, 11 Janvier 1879, p.31, reg.184.
Librettist Alfred Duru (1829-1889)Henri Chivot (1830-1907)
Language French
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period Romantic
Piece Style Romantic
Instrumentation vocal soloists, mixed chorus, orchestra
Related Works Pieces based on Madame Favart
External Links Wikipedia article

List of musical numbers

Act 1

  • Overture
  • Trio and couplets (Suzanne, Hector, Favart)
  • Couplets, «Dans une cave obscure» (Favart)
  • Chorus and scena (Mme Favart)
  • Couplets (Mme Favart)
  • Couplets, «Ma mere aux vignes m’envoyit» (Mme Favart)
  • Escape trio (Favart, Hector, Suzanne)
  • Finale (Couplets and stretta)

Act 2

  • Entracte
  • Romance, «Suzanne est aujourd’hui ma femme» (Hector)
  • Chanson de l’échaudé, «Quand du four on le retire» (Favart)
  • Couplets (Pontsablé)
  • Quartet (Suzanne, Hector, Mme Favart, Favart)
  • Minuet and rondo, «Je passe sur mon enfance» (Mme Favart)
  • Finale

Act 3

  • Entracte
  • Romance, «Quand il cherche dans sa cervelle» (Favart)
  • Chorus and Tyrolienne (Mme Favart, Hector)
  • Couplets (Suzanne, Hector)
  • Air (Mme Favart)
  • Chorus and duet (Mme Favart, Favart)
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: